
A Message from the Council of Light 

"Dear One, 

You are simply battling being a human who is awakening. This is what multitudes are experiencing as you together and alone learn to transcend the illusion of duality. Think of how many millennia humanity has been trapped in the struggle for survival and now you are starting to see through it, you have glimpses of the other world, the Oneness, the Light from whence you came and you want to rush into the Light shouting “I am done with the world!” but this is just one part of you…the other is very much attached to the world which is all it can remember, and so this part is not ready to transcend. So there is a battle inside you. Make peace now. Step outside of the battlefield and witness what is playing out. 

The ego is fearing its death! It is fighting for its survival by rising up! Love is the only answer to fear’s illusion. You turn to yourself with the greatest love and tenderness imaginable and say “I see you, I hear your fears. I know they are not real, I know they seem real to you”. This is what it means to hold yourself through your awakening."

My Offerings

The three main ways I support people:

Spiritual guidance to help you see through the illusion of the 3rd Dimension, find your mission & remember your Divinity. 
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Legal Guidance to help you resolve a legal issue or conflict, or draft a contract - using the Divine/ Universal Laws.
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Spiritual support & community for lawyers who are awakening and ready to become healers and legal lightworkers
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Take an audio course

These "listen on the go" audio courses on spiritual awakening are a great place to start, if you’re not yet ready to join a live course or invest in 1:1 coaching.

Waterfall of Wisdom

You’re struggling with worthiness and accessing your Higher Self and all your ego programs are constantly triggered! This will be medicine for your soul. The songs, meditations and guidance will help you understand what’s going on and help you find the love you need, inside yourself, to start overriding the trauma of being an awakening human. How? There has to be enough love inside you that your frequency can match the frequency of love that is all around you, the Love that is God, Source, the All That Is. Feeling separate from this Love is what causes all our suffering. 

Level: you’re in your first few years of awakening

Buy the Course


You’re awakening and doing your best to hold it all together but it often feels too intense. You desire a deeper understanding of ascension energies and upgrades and how to hold yourself through it all. Listening to Held is going to be a sanctuary for you. Light is flooding into Earth and it is bringing to light all the darkness. On an individual level this means our self limiting beliefs, shame, unworthiness, self doubt. On a collective level it means we’re seeing darkness and chaos as our societal systems collapse.. It will SEEM like things are getting worse in your life as you awaken. Take heart dear one, you are perfect, whole and complete exactly as you are.

Level: you’re in your first few years of awakening

Buy the course

Navigating the Insanity of Ascension

You know, even if you don’t totally understand it, that we’re in an intense battle between Light and Dark here on Planet Earth as we ascend to a new dimension. It is challenging to be in a small % of people who are aware of this. Planetary wide ascension from one dimension to another has never happened on Earth before! OF COURSE we’re going to feel like we’re losing our minds! We have to bypass our programmed minds in order to ascend - because the primary way in which humanity has been prevented from waking up and our Divinity suppressed is that we’re programmed to believe we are our traumatised ego selves. 

Level: You’ve been awakening to the truth for a while, or had a very rapid awakening to the False Matrix post 2020. If you’re a longstanding Ascension student this will be too beginner for you.


Take the Course for $15

Are you navigating the journey of spiritual awakening? 

My name is Amanda Lamond. I’m a Legal Lightworker, Spiritual Channel and Ascension guide. 

I’ve walked the wild journey from lawyer to lightworker and remembering I am a multidimensional light being. Awakening to this new reality while living in an asleep and programmed society is the most challenging thing I’ve ever experienced. I am eternally grateful to have discovered how to channel my beloved spiritual guidance team, the Council of Light, in 2012.

To assist others on the roller coaster ride of spiritual awakening, I use a combination of the higher dimensional wisdom I have channeled about the Great Awakening happening on Earth alongside my personal experience of navigating ego dissolution. 

My speciality is lovingly helping people liberate themselves from unconsciously creating their own suffering. As a legal lightworker I assist clients whose spiritual lessons have manifested in the form of a legal issue! 

Together we are here to support humanity through a dimensional shift as we remember our Divinity 

If you are awakening, sense you are being called to serve the Light and are trying to make sense of the journey, I hope the Ministry of Eternal Light provides a sanctuary.


I'm here to walk the Awakening path alongside you, not as a guru

I “remembered” how to channel, or access my guides in 2012 during a trip to Bali, my spiritual home. My background in law meant it was a big shift to accepting a whole other metaphysical reality. I focused on working with lawyers for the next decade. From 2022 I entered a new phase of awakening, I learned about Ascension and started having multiple “crazy” spiritual experiences in the higher dimensions. The most wondrous of these being a heart activation in January 2023 that began during my second trip to Bali. The Divine waves of love flowing through my body on and off for days was life changing. Yet the Dark Night of the Soul that followed was harrowing. I have created audio courses to help people experiencing similar things.  My guides have told me repeatedly that mass mental breakdown is going to become commonplace and that I have a role to play in publicising this and providing support. (I have many messages to share on this and am looking for a podcast sponsor for this divine endeavour.)  

After my Jan 2023 awakening it was suggested to me by my spiritual team that the time had come for me to create the Ministry of Eternal Light, a non denominational ministry for all those who serve the Light, to support others going through the challenges of spiritual awakening. 

My path as a Minister of Light is now unfolding. 

There are as many ways to experience Ascension as there are humans. You may identify with parts of my story and not with others. The information shared may be new or stuff you know. Take what works and leave the rest. Your own heart will guide the way.

More about me

The Ministry of Eternal Light's Mini Guide to Awakening

(A gift to support you)

Do you want a super powerful, aha-moment packed mini book that explains the Great Awakening, ego-dissolution, what on earth has been happening on our planet and mind-blowing insights into how to navigate it all? This is jointly authored by me and my guidance team, the Council of Light. 

If you're one of my people, this will rock your world  and help you come home to yourself.

(If it's not your vibe, you can unsubscribe with a click) 

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time