Navigating the Insanity of Ascension (free course)  

Hi, beloved awakening human, you're awake! Despite everything that has been done to keep us from realising our divinity. You are a strong soul and you are needed.  I'm so glad you're here. It's a WILD journey dear ones! We are literally letting go of the 3D reality and life as we knew it. Allow me and the Council of Light to help you navigate the "insanity" aspect of  ascension and let you know you are not alone, in just 90 mins. 


Yes, I want this now!


What is ascension & why does it feel like the world has gone mad? 




The insanity of ascension




Planetary mental breakdown


You’re 1 min away from multiple new perspectives on what on earth is happening and how to navigate the shift AND help others through it. 

I want to start the audios!
From Amanda

"We have to find the others, even if it's online. There are millions consciously on the ascension path."



Testimonials from beloved lightworkers who listened to these audios

"As I was listening to your message I felt myself feeling lighter and brighter and more hopeful and I realise why your guides have been telling you for ages that they will be channelling love through you, and just through listening to your voice message I realised how I felt touched by love. As you are a channel for their messages, you are a channel for light and love."


"The first step in this 5 part course is so important for everyone to get because it lays the foundation for us to fully grasp the fundamental principles of our purpose and our role to help liberate the earth through this ascension. This divine revelation coming through you has flung my heart wide open. I pray that others will understand the gift that this course brings them. "
Oh my God! I cried through most of the first audio! It really put into words what I have been experiencing and helps me understand myself. Even though my ego self is telling me I’m mad! Thank you, it was so valuable, so clear, so concise.
- Sarah 


Either this is calling to you or it isn't. I trust you can listen to your own heart.



Plus it's free! You have nothing to lose 🤗  

Who is the person behind the Ministry of Eternal Light? 

A human remembering she's a Divine Being of Light!

I'm here at this particular time of the Great Awakening on Planet Earth to help all humans ready to ascend, with the niche mission of specifically supporting those who are here to create a new legal system. I began pursuing spiritual development at age 24, it became more and more central to my life. I'm now ALL about ascension and I'm literally pulling out of the old earth energy in order to birth the new. The awakening has sped up - and many others like me, who have been tasked with being wayshowers, are experiencing radical shifts in our reality.

I spend several hours in the higher dimensions each week, channelling messages, recording audios as my guides, the Council of Light explain what's happening on earth and how to manage it all. I have experienced being in my light body, and being in the 5th dimension and each time it is so wondrous I weep with joy. I have been blessed with these experiences so I can share from a place of having experienced them, rather than simply telling you the 5th dimension exists because I read about it. disorientating, confusing, humbling, challenging and then...OH MY GOD there are the tastes of bliss, and Oneness that I get, sometimes fleetingly, and then I just GET it all. It's no longer "academic" or "theory" and I just want to share the world we're moving into and help everyone. 

Like all of us, I’ve spent years making sense of my earlier life. I grew up with much privilege but my pain came from being a highly emotional and intuitive person raised in a family and culture that taught me only to ignore that part of me. I always thought something was wrong with me - now I know it’s not me, it is our civilisation that does not support the flourishing of the human soul. (update: I only discovered in 2022 that our planet has been enslaved for millennia. Of course the majority of people don't know because the enslavement constituted dumbing us down so humans would not know they are Divine Light Beings. Look, it's a trip this awakening - and as a once-lawyer "logical" person, this all made no sense until now.)

My trauma-based response, like many, led to developing a severe alcohol and drug addiction but fortunately at 24 years old I got clean and started a new life and have been able to use my suffering to help others. My biggest learnings have been, and continue to be those in self-love and self-worth - this stuff just doesn’t come easy to many of us. I still have to work hard on treating myself with compassion and this hard won skill is therefore something I really enjoy coaching others in.  

Having worked as an attorney, a law lecturer, a director of a non-profit college for impoverished students, a facilitator of corporate leadership programs and an organizational development consultant, I have an expansive and multi-disciplinary background. I no longer practise law, I work with those lawyers who have incarnated at this time to birth the next legal system based on higher consciousness. 

Although I’ve been channeling for 8 years at the time of writing this, there is still a lawyerly, left brain part of me that finds receiving communication from non-physical entities quite bizarre! But I know it is just my ego that wants to make sense of everything.

My ascension is now pretty rapid. I'm here to serve you if your heart is calling you at this momentous time. You have to be ready. it's a wild ride, but please trust me, it's why you're here. The loss, the suffering, all you've endured is going to be transmuted as we ascend together. There is nothing more important than waking up to your Divinity at this time. The rest is all illusion. I can't even coach people in the same way I did last year because I see through the illusions and old Earth too much now. I'll help you make sense of it all. And just a note: the ascension process will occur anyway - YOU get to decide whether you rock it, creating a life of bliss and ease, or get dragged kicking and screaming trying to hold onto your old identity and ego self. I'd pick the Higher Timeline! 

The joy I get from helping others using my spiritual gifts is indescribable. I continue to be blown away by the messages I am entrusted with. Often I am moved to tears as I scribe a message. I am fascinated as I see more and more people channelling their guides and speaking openly about it - for example,  Jeffrey Van Dyk is an ex Microsoft guru who now coaches entrepreneurs who are changemakers, and he has multiple videos of him channelling information. He helped me get the courage to come out of the closet about my channelling abilities. 

If only I could give you a GLIMPSE of what lies in store for you, you'd be shouting "sign me up for ALL of it!!". But this is a journey of discovering your sovereignty. Your soul must be ready to advance. I look forward to welcoming you with open arms when you're ready!Â