
You will not believe what the future of law looks like

Mar 25, 2022

Hello {{first_name}},


Today I present to the world my most significant and ambitious contribution to the evolution of the legal system thus far! Registration for the Legal Lightworkers VIP Academy is now OPEN!

It is an invitation for a select group of legal lightworkers who are completely ready to live inside the vibration of their true work and calling.

You really need to watch the 8 min video in which I explain it!


click here for the video of

Legal Lightworkers VIP Academy


The story behind the lightworkers academy

For 10 years I have had a deep knowing of what I am here to do but it’s been such a struggle to figure out what that looks like. I have undervalued my spiritual skills constantly, thinking still that what really mattered was being smart. I have feared ridicule by speaking about channeling. I’ve faced constant job insecurity as I’ve bounced from one entrepreneurial project to another without ever having the money part dialled in with any consistency.

But all that has shifted.

I KNOW what I’m here to do, and I am receiving the support to do it. On the other side of the veil, in the unseen world, I have a lot of spiritual support from the numerous guides I work with. In this dimension, I’ve needed to call in Earthly forms of support which right now take the form of investment in my business, and multiple coaches that help me raise my game in every area of my life. I’m not ahead of you. I’m right here on the path. And suddenly it's become clear that EVERYTHING I have struggled with are the things that are holding awakening lawyers back from really unleashing their full potential in the world. Ta dah, it's become so clear what I most need to teach!



The VIP Academy is an activation portal that will provide these leaders with multidimensional support to clear the spiritual, mental, emotional or financial blocks holding them back, so they can step fully into their earth mission. This is not a mass offering. I do not envisage any more than 10 clients, because it is a super specialised niche.


(I'm moving to a new platform that can house all my unfortunately for now the page for this course is not on the site!)

Next year I’ll open a variation on this, a less expensive and less intense Lightworkers Academy, to other awakening lawyers who feel called to it. I have a strong sense that some of the VIP members who join me now will be co-facilitators next year.

This whole "lightworker talk" may not be your thing. Maybe you just want to stop feeling like a slave to the legal profession and to create a practice that feels aligned to who you really are? Those programmes are coming!

Legally Free will also be launched early next year - and OMG I am working with amazing people that I am going to bring on as guest teachers

  • To raise your frequency around money
  • To integrate masculine and feminine energy so you can RECEIVE
  • To let go of hustle
  • To attract high level clients

But now my ENERGY is on this VIP Academy. If it’s not for you - but you know someone who you’d consider a leader in the law who’s also totally committed to their spiritual path and changing the system - please forward this mail. I am trusting my people will find me.

From Brazil, Australia, New York, London, Paraguay I am talking to awakening lawyers and know that those meant for this container will be drawn to it.

Please watch the 8 min video to get a sense of the Academy and where I’m going with all this. One of the most exciting things I’ve been shown is that we are moving towards a future in which conflict will be resolved energetically. After all, conflict is stuck energy! So the lawyers of the future will all be energy lawyers and I don’t mean for oil companies! The VIP Academy will look at and teach the “new legal technologies”. It is totally trippy and utterly exciting to many of us.

Have I lost you with the lightworker talk?

If I’ve lost you, stick around as I’ll explain a bit more about what’s coming that I think you will find interesting. This is THE most radical shift in awakening the modern world has known - and it is a very exciting time to be alive. I'll share some more about these new concepts in the next few mails, then I'll add a tag you can click if you don't want to know more about the lightworker stuff in case this is getting too woo woo for you.

Drop me a reply if any of this interests you! It’s always nice to know I’m not writing to a vacuum.

And another reminder of the words of Charles Eisenstein which apply to EVERY SINGLE CONFLICT both inside and outside us right now: instead of asking "what side are you on?" we need to ask "what is it like to be you?"

Sending my love for a beautiful future unfolding right before our eyes,


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