
The Compulsive Disclosurist Ponders Some Life Changes

Jan 21, 2022

photo: my new Zoom background. Just kidding, that's a real live giraffe. I am blessed to live in Africa and that I was able to go on safari last week.

Hello {{first_name}},


I think we get to decide this over and over again. What you imagined you wanted when you were 20 probably doesn't really resonate now. What about at age 30? Age 40? It is such a gift to have a LIFE to play with, and to re-invent yourself and I LOVE stories of people completely re-inventing themselves physically, emotionally or spiritually or all 3.

To change our lives, we have to change our minds.

20 years ago I was a drug-addicted, messed up twenty something law student desperate to figure out who I was on the one hand, while self-destructing and running HARD from all my feelings on the other.

15 years ago, 2006, I was a recently qualified attorney who'd run from the law. I was a sober, life-loving director of a start-up non-profit college for students from economically deprived locations, living in a farm cottage outside Knysna. (Basically deep in the countryside and 5 hours drive from Cape Town). I had zero long term relationships to speak of but I created a vision board of my ideal man ;-)

9 years ago, in December 2012, I knew my soul purpose was around bringing a new consciousness to the law. I’d launched the Centre for Integrative Law and hosted the world leader of the Integrative Law, Kim Wright, at events we created to tell South Africans about this movement. I was experiencing multiple synchronicities as I watched the Universe help bring things toward me. I was still sober, in a long term relationship and setting off to Bali for 5 weeks to recover from work fatigue, and to connect with my Spiritual self and Spirit Guides if I could find some ;-)

3 years ago in 2019 It all felt so hard. I had given up the women lawyer network WOLELA, as I was burning out and making zero income despite everyone saying how wonderful and life changing it was for them. I was ashamed I made so little money. We renovated part of our home, the stress was horrific and me and my husband argued non-stop. I spent a lot of time looking on Linked In for jobs that would just pay me a salary so I could stop being an entrepreneur. I did organisational development coaching work for a Tech company and realised I am crap at trying to get organisations that don’t want to change, to change, but that I am gifted with coaching individuals, lawyers or not. I felt a bit lost.

2021. I’m on fire. I am so filled with ideas to birth into the world I don’t know when to do them all. My brand is Awakening Lawyers and I’m working with lawyers around the world who share the same mission as me: to shift the legal system, facilitate the emergence of a healthier profession, that better serves lawyers, their clients and the world. Thank God no one hired me back in 2019. I still don’t drink. I have more self-love than ever before. I channel messages from the multiple Spirit Guides who communicate with me about my own path, and I channel messages for clients, mostly lawyers, about what they are here to do. That all began in Bali. I’m happily married, with an amazing kid, who I delight in every day. I live in my own home with a little forest outside my bedroom window. I am obsessed with mindset and creating our reality and want to help everyone learn these tools because so much suffering can be avoided if we do. It's my mission to bring these tools to lawyers so that they can get on with doing their soul work, not be stuck in scarcity, struggle and sacrifice.

I am the Messenger not the Editor

I love stories of people’s lives and for some reason felt prompted to share this with you today. It’s totally not what I sat down to write but these days I let myself be guided. Someone, somewhere in the world needed to read this and I just have to trust that. I am the Messenger not the Editor. My husband nicknamed me The Compulsive Disclosurist soon after we met. I take it as an affectionate term. I'm just not really interested in the whole wearing of masks thing. So I just show up as I am. Obviously this was really hard in my early days of being a lawyer!

If you’re a lawyer and you’re feeling your current role or life “just isn’t it”; if you want to feel free, creative, able to practise law in alignment with your soul, do work that feels like you are of service to others, and find your community, then reach out. Let’s have a Clarity Call and see if we’re a good match.

What speaks to you?

I have a 30 Day Intensive Uplevel Your Life Programme.

I have a Soul Clarity process where we ask your spirit guides a few questions.

I have a Create Your Path course for those not where they want to be.

I am convening a Metaphysical Council of Lawyers on the direction of my spirit guides. (by invitation only but reach out if this seems to be calling you)

And I’m keen to know who might be interested in a Legal Lightworkers programme for those who know they are here to work in the intersection of law and spirituality, creating quantum leaps for their clients. We would look at the work of David Hawkins, Lynn McTaggert, Dr Joe Dispenza, Martha Beck and use tools including meditation, group meditation, calibrating the consciousness of contracts (kinesiology) and probably a variety of channeled teachings I will bring through.

Or, if the 7 Levels of Awakening for Lawyers sounds more intriguing – let me know. We’d be working with the 7 chakras and unblocking at each chakra whatever is holding you back. So for example, Base chakra would be about security, finances and feeling safe to be you in the world. All the way up to the Crown Chakra and helping you get re-connected to source.

To me this stuff is so super exciting I’d give up leisure time to work on it! I want you to feel that way about your work too.

If you’re reading all this and thinking “WHAT is the woman on about?” that’s cool too – amazed you got this far – but there’s an “unsubscribe” button at the bottom.

If you’re reading all this thinking YES please! Then please drop me a few lines. I love hearing from my audience. It helps me decide what direction to go in. You don’t have to buy anything from me! I won’t say “hey you suggested this programme now you better purchase it!” ha ha. It just tells me where people’s minds are at.

Sending so much love and energy your way


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