
Do you live life around the edges of your work?

Mar 06, 2022


Why do we live our lives around the edges of our work?

I get that I may be on a different planet to those in salaried employment because I’ve worked for myself pretty much since 2011. From one perspective it means I have absolute freedom over my working hours, from another it means that there have been many years I worked crazy hours and got paid nothing. Being self-employed is not for sissies. The subject going around my mind today is the way the world has structured jobs so that we basically spend the majority of our time working and are forced to live the rest of our life around the edges. Our lives have to be scheduled in the nooks and crannies that remain when the majority of our day, most of the daylight and nearly all our energy, has been spent. It means our kids, our partners, our friends, our health, our homes, our spirituality, personal development and exercise, oh and sleep - have to squeeze into the remaining hours. I understand that some people are in terrible economic situations with lives of unimaginable hardship. But right now, I’m talking to us, the people with law degrees, extensive education, and thus a fair amount of privilege.( Though admittedly privilege differs vastly from one of us to the next.)

Why do we continue to buy into the idea that you have to work from 8 to 5? Or, as a lawyer from 6am to midnight? Why do we normalize this and think anything less is slacking off? Mostly it's our financial enslavement and slllloooowly I am learning how to change this and create a different relationship with both money and time.

There’s a great book I read called The Continuum Concept when I was pregnant. It’s about an anthropologist who spends time living with a very remote tribe in some South American rainforest. What I loved about it was that she explains her utter astonishment at many of the ways in which they lived, because they didn’t have the same programming as we do in the West. They didn’t have a word for “work” was one thing I remember. They laughed when things become really hairy on a river journey. Young children are not helicopter parented, they are shown the dangers and then left to avoid fires and raging rivers (they live on riverbanks) - and because they develop an inbuilt sense of keeping themselves safe, they do. The book lists a host of examples of how these people just approached life radically differently. I often think about it - because I am becoming increasingly aware that we accept as normal, a whole lot of really dysfunctional ways of being in the world.

Obviously I focus a fair amount of time looking at the dysfunctional ways lawyers are taught to be in the world. And I LOVE helping lawyers break free of the many of the chains binding them, when they realise they are self imposed. WE have tied ourselves in chains.

I am increasingly speaking with lawyers who feel quite “meh” about their careers. They feel exhausted from all the STUFF happening in the world. I think we are living in such interesting times! There is a massive awakening of human consciousness happening globally. However, in order for this to happen it’s as if there is a revolt against the current regime, so that a new healthier form of leadership can come to power. And it starts with SELF leadership. There is another way of being in the world which is calling us and maybe you are hearing the call. A call to get clearer on what you came here to do, and the people you are here to serve - for we are all here to be of service.

People are trapped currently in cages of their own making, the indoctrination of how we should practise law is just one of million examples of the unquestioned systems we continue to absorb and pass on to the next generation. You can break free of the cycle - if you choose to. If you are willing to view your role as a human being differently! This is no small task! It is a shift to seeing yourself as the predominant creative force in your own life. In this way, you can get clearer on your vision and then start to create it, instead of constantly responding to events in your life - this way is utterly exhausting.

Today I used this journal prompt:

If I had complete freedom to create and sell in the way that feels most aligned for me right now and I KNEW with absolute certainty it would work, then I would now…

And what came to me was that I feel like running my 30 day Uplevel Your Life and Your Legal Practice as a group rather than with individuals, so we can share energy and our successes with each other. (I’ve also been told by my guides that I should focus on doing group work as I am particularly skilled at holding group energy.) I will be doing the work alongside you, I don’t preach from above ;-) so I will be right beside you helping you along. And, if you get stuck, I have a HOST of awesome soul led lawyers around the world we can call upon to assist you with anything.

30 day Uplevel Your Life and Your Legal Practice

It is for lawyers who feel they’re on the right track career-wise, but it’s a STRUGGLE. They feel constantly too busy, overwhelmed and the money is not quite enough.

I’m looking for lawyers who want to come play with me in this space of unlearning.

Lawyers who want

  • To set themselves free.
  • To create more ease around their finances.
  • To play with manifesting stuff in their lives.
  • To step into a more powerful version of themselves
  • To feel what Divine Alignment feels like
  • To learn what trusting your intuition looks like

The programme outline looks like this:

Week 1: Your Focus Creates Your Reality

Week 2: Self limiting beliefs and accessing your greatness

Week 3: Stepping into Financial Freedom

Week 4: Being the fullest expression of YOU



This isn’t another thing to add to your plate.

It’s about getting shit off your plate and learning to live in an aligned way so the Universe works WITH you, instead of all the struggle and hustle we have been PROGRAMMED into. I believe you can CREATE the life and legal practice you really want to have.

I realised that much of what I do for lawyers would be considered VOID FOR VAGUENESS as I’m constantly developing new programs, running things like the Student Mentorship programme or the Metaphysical Council of Law…

So I decided to get CRYSTAL CLEAR in my mail TO YOU today.


If you are clear that any of this speaks to you, drop me a mail.

I’ll send out this info maybe 2 more times, that’s it, as people get bored of seeing the same stuff.

Best thing I did this year was hire a coach that super charged me! I went from bringing in R20k that month to R90k the next - only because I trusted myself and got out of my own way. When I stop doing the alignment work - I can FEEL I go back to my old default "worrier" mode! So I listen to another audio, get re-charged and get back into flow.

Don’t let your money story hold you back. We can work on that.

Be brave, be free, you are guided.



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